



點擊聆聽「走在展會之前 抓準B2B跨境電商營銷策略」














The rapid development of digital technology and the widespread use of the internet have propelled the e-commerce industry into a realm of boundless opportunities and potential. Zhang Weirong, the founder of the Global Chinese Marketing Academy, invited Chief Marketing Officer of MEGA POWER MARKETING INC Mr.Tsai to join the PMA podcast channel to share its e-commerce marketing strategies.

What business opportunities did you see when Mega Power Marketing Inc was initially established? How have your service offerings evolved to date?

During the early stages of entrepreneurship, participating in exhibitions was a highly challenging task. Before venturing into the e-commerce business, I invested significant efforts in brand marketing, leveraging various global platforms and e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba and Amazon. Over time, I have evolved into a versatile digital marketer, specializing in areas such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), and social media marketing. Simultaneously, my team has gradually expanded to accommodate the rapid growth of our business. These experiences and dedicated efforts have helped us establish a solid foothold in the fiercely competitive market and achieve success.

How does cross-border e-commerce complement traditional exhibitions?

Mr.Tsai Jianlang, CEO of Mega Power Marketing Inc, emphasizes that participating in exhibitions is not limited to physical showcases, which is a significant constraint of traditional exhibitions. However, a more exposure-driven and efficient way of exhibiting is to gain online exposure and generate online traffic, allowing customers and buyers to familiarize themselves with our products. As sellers, we can also collect relevant leads and provide customers with the latest information, further understanding their purchasing preferences and determining if online transactions are possible. Even if transactions cannot be completed online, there is no loss incurred because customers still have the opportunity to engage in transactions during future physical exhibitions. This is also a trend in the industry’s future.

What is the key purpose of Mr. Tsai’s establishment of Mega power marketing inc to provide cross-border e-commerce consulting services?

Mr. Tsai, the CEO of Mega Power Marketing Inc, explains that compared to traditional magazines with fixed rankings, e-commerce platforms offer greater flexibility. This has made the internet and e-commerce era the optimal choice for businesses to excel. With the widespread adoption of digital marketing, the younger generation has increased exposure to shopping.

On e-commerce platforms, the arrangement of products is not constrained by traditional media limitations but is based on various factors such as popularity, ratings, and sales volume. This provides a more equitable competitive environment for various brands and sellers, giving them the opportunity to stand out. Additionally, as the younger generation increasingly uses digital platforms for shopping, their exposure to products and brands becomes more frequent. This highlights the importance of digital marketing as a crucial means for businesses to attract consumers, enhance brand awareness, and increase sales.

Businesses can engage directly with their target customers and effectively communicate their brand value and product advantages through digital marketing strategies. This convenient communication and interaction enable consumers to participate more easily in purchase decisions and increases their engagement in the buying process.

Is digital marketing a trend for the new generation?

Mr. Tsai Jianlang, the CEO of Mega Power Marketing Inc, believes that modern young people are seeking self-discovery and are not particularly interested in traditional industries. However, they are captivated by technology and innovative online commerce, which motivates them to learn and explore. In the future, the trend towards digital marketing is expected to be embraced with openness and optimism, as it presents new business opportunities.


The CEO of Mega Power Marketing Inc., Mr. Tsai Jian Lang, recognized the business opportunity in the digital age and the flexibility offered by e-commerce platforms compared to traditional media. With the widespread adoption of digital marketing, the younger generation’s engagement in shopping has increased. On e-commerce platforms, products are arranged based on factors like popularity, ratings, and sales volume, providing a fair competition environment. Digital marketing allows direct interaction with target customers, conveying brand values and product advantages. This convenience enhances consumer participation in purchase decisions. The new generation’s interest in technology and innovative online businesses makes digital marketing a trend with promising business opportunities.


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